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Glen Abbey

Glen Abbey is a quiet, suburban neighborhood in Oakville. Established in the late 1980s, the tree-lined streets feature mainly modern detached homes and moderate lot sizes. Top-rated schools, a stellar community center, and one of Canada’s most famous golf clubs are located in Glen Abbey, making it the ideal neighborhood for families who enjoy an active lifestyle. 

It is bordered by Upper Middle Road to the north, Sixteen Mile Creek to the east, the QEW to the south, and Bronte Road to the west. This central Oakville location is convenient for commuters going into the city and for residents who use public transit.  

The Glen Abbey Golf Club is one of the biggest highlights of this neighborhood. The golf club has hosted 25 Canadian Open championships. Known for ‘valley holes’ and a challenging shot that has to clear Sixteen Mile Creek, this golf club is definitely the gem of Glen Abbey. 

Residents also enjoy local amenities such as the Glen Abbey Community Centre. The center hosts a number of classes, camps, and programs. It also offers premium services such as a fitness center, recreational skating, a pool, and four squash courts. Top-rated schools in the area include Heritage Glen Public School, Pilgrim Wood Public School, and St. Matthew Catholic Elementary School.